Becoming Bethany Rhodes
A woman struggles between the expectations of her overbearing mother and a chance to explore the life she always wanted.
Produced by Gwen Gottlieb Written by Tanya Linette Smith
Directed by James Ersted & Tanya Linette Smith
Starring Gwen Gottlieb & Irene Muzzy
The Premonition
It is Halloween night and the kiddies are out trick-or-treating when an unexpected guest comes a-knocking.
Starring Betsy Baker (Evil Dead) and Evan Alex (Us)
Directed & Scored by James Ersted
Month to Month
A traveling musician (Paul Bergmann) decides to try his luck in Los Angeles, but when supernatural things begin to happen at his new apartment, his life is forever altered.
Starring Paul Bergmann and Ivan Katz w/special appearance by Jake Bellows
Written & Directed by James Ersted
“The film is a beautiful one to watch courtesy of D.P. Jeffrey Peters’ exceptional lensing that gives the film an otherworldly yet intimate look, while Ersted’s simple yet well told story keeps us involved from beginning to end.” –The Independent Critic
“If ever a film had the originality and weirdness to revitalise mainstream horror, a feature length Month to Month would be it. Following its well-deserved reception, a little luck might, hopefully, see a major studio throw in their lot.” –UK Film Review
“This is a finely crafted short, and one that is next to impossible to over-look.” –Klaus at Gunpoint